Funny Jokes
Three guys are stranded on a desert
Three guys are stranded on a desert island, They are captured by a native tribe.
They are brought to the indian chief who tells them to each get 5 fruits from the island.
guy 1 comes back with a bag of 5 bananas, Leader tells him to shove them up his bum without flinching or showing any emotion or they’d kill him.
He gets 2 inside before flinching, He gets shot guy 2 comes back with a bag of 5 apples, Same thing. He gets 4 apples inside him before he starts laughing, He dies.
Guy 1 and guy 2 meet in heaven Guy 1: You were so close, Why did you start laughing?
Guy 2: Because i saw Guy 3 coming back with a bag of pineapples.